Friday, October 31, 2014

Young switching to GOP

 a new poll finds a majority of young Americans who intend to vote next week prefer a Republican-controlled Congress.
A survey released yesterday by Harvard Institute of Politics shows that of those age 18 to 29 who say they “definitely” will vote in the midterm elections Tuesday, 51 percent want Congress in GOP hands, compared to 47 percent who would rather have Democrats in charge.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hates israel, Loves terrorist Iran

Bennett, Israeli leader, Blasts Obama:
'The current administration plans to throw Israel under the bus. Not the leader of Syria who has massacred 150,000 of his citizens, nor the leader of Saudi Arabia who stones women and homosexuals, nor the leader of Iran who murdered demonstrators for freedom were called "chickensh*t." '

As World Jewish Daily stated Oct 30,
Hating Israel, Loving Iran Obama administration cozies up to psychotic Islamist state Even as government buildings step up security for fear of Islamist terror attacks

US and Iran are in a state of detente, officials say
US has also softened its stance toward Iran's allies - Hamas, Hezbollah, says Wall Street Journal
The Obama administration and Iran "have moved into an effective state of détente over the past year", as they hold direct nuclear talks and face a common threat from the Islamic State. These are the assessments of senior American and Arab officials reported on Wednesday by The Wall Street Journal.
"The shift could drastically alter the balance of power in the region, and risks alienating key US allies such as Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, who are central to the coalition fighting Islamic State. Sunni Arab leaders view the threat posed by Shiite Iran as equal to or greater than that posed by the Sunni radical group Islamic State," according to the front-page story.
Over the past decade, Washington and Tehran have engaged in fierce battles for influence and power in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan. "But recent months have ushered in a change as the two countries have grown into alignment on a spectrum of causes, chief among them promoting peaceful political transitions in Baghdad and Kabul and pursuing military operations against Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria," according to these officials.
The WSJ also says that the Obama administration has markedly softened its confrontational stance toward Iran’s most important allies, the Palestinian militant group Hamas and the Lebanese militant and political organization, Hezbollah. US intelligence agencies have repeatedly tipped off Lebanese law-enforcement bodies close to Hezbollah about threats to Beirut’s government by Sunni extremist groups, including al Qaeda and its affiliate Nusra Front in Syria, Lebanese and US officials told the WSJ

Powerline blog
Posted: 29 Oct 2014 01:54 PM PDT
(Scott Johnson)
The twisted mentality of the Obama administration is prominently on display in Jeffrey Goldberg’s summary of his conversations with senior officials posted here. Anonymously describing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as “chickenshit,” one senior official serves up a pure case of projection, and another senior administration official seconds him (or her). It is as if Obama himself had dismissed someone as “arrogant,” or Joe Biden disparaged anyone as “stupid,” or John Kerry insulted someone as “haughty,” though in this case the official is projecting on behalf of the administration as a whole.
The whole thing is almost — almost — unbelievable. If you’ve been awake and alert, however, it makes sick sense. It figures. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair:/Hover through the fog and filthy air.”
On the substance of the issues, Danielle Pletka speaks for me in her comments on Goldberg’s column. She renders this stinging judgment:
Let’s get this straight: Bibi et al, who have what most would agree is a legitimate and existential fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon, are “good” because they’re, er “chickenshit” about launching a strike on Iran; oh, and Bibi is also labeled a “coward” for having been “chickenshit” in that regard. But he’s “bad” because he won’t cave to a Palestinian Authority and Hamas so riven by terrorism, corruption and incompetence that they won’t “accommodate” with each other.
How can we read this as anything other than an appalling display of hypocrisy, hostility to Israel and warmth toward the very powers that have killed almost as many Americans (Iran, Hamas, et al) as al Qaeda? Did team Obama label Ahmadinejad as “chickenshit”? Have they labeled the Qataris, who arm and fund ISIS at the same time that they buy US weapons as “chickenshit”?
I’m sure that in defense of Obama, many will say that they expect more of the Israelis than they do of the Gulf or Turkey or NATO or … anyone. The question is, why? Coming back to the fons et origo of this whole relationship disaster, let us recall that it was Obama who ashcanned the George W. Bush commitment to Israel to oppose the return to 1967 lines; Obama who prayed at the altar of Jew-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright; Obama who absorbed the scholarship of Israel-hating Rashid Khalidi; Obama, whose own settlement policy has been more extreme than that of the Palestinian Authority.
But let’s forget about Obama’s own ideological dislike of the State of Israel and its leaders, whoever they may be. Set aside the fact that it is not Bibi who is acting like a selfish political actor, but Barack Obama and the personal sycophants around him who are more interested in the whims and fortunes of the American Narcissus. Let us instead focus on the fact that an unnamed “senior American official” is waxing triumphant over the fact that it is now “too late” for Israel to strike Iran’s nuclear weapons complex. This is good news? The fact that American officials believe it is more advantageous to have a nuclear Iran than to have someone in power in Israel who will not kowtow to the US president says something about the fundamental rot at the core of the Obama administration, its contempt for the national security of the American people – who are at terrible risk from an Iranian nuclear bomb – and the vileness of the cowards and chickenshit officials who people the fiefdom of Barack Obama.

Can't win fair and square so they cheat

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:07 AM PDT
(Steven Hayward)
As a follow up to our item the other day on the recent academic study examining the evidence of widespread voting by non-citizens, there are two stories out today.
First, Bryan Preston over at Breitbart reports on what appears to be significant voting anomalies in Maryland (where there is a surprisingly close governor’s race that has not attracted much attention outside the state):
The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records. The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections. Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes. Both are crimes. The same group previously found that about 40,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland.
Meanwhile, the Daily Caller is all over efforts by La Raza (“the race”) to inform illegal aliens where they can successfully cast ballots without an ID:
The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.
“Voter ID laws are at-issue across the country, with newly Republican-controlled legislatures having passed them in numerous states after the 2010 election,” explained The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake. “Most states still request some form of ID, but don’t require it. Another 20 states don’t require identification. In case you’re wondering where your state is at in all of this, a helpful (sic)graphic from the Post’s graphics team.”
I’m sure Eric Holder will have the Justice Department right on this

Obama is going to deny millions of Americans their shot at entering the middle class and a better life.

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 12:59 PM PDT
(John Hinderaker) The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday on President Obama’s plan to selectively revoke the nation’s immigration laws by executive decree. (As the Journal notes, the administration is trying to craft orders that are “legally defensible.”) This latest news drew another blast of righteous indignation from Senator Jeff Sessions, who is Horatius at the bridge when it comes to defending the rights and interests of American workers:
The Wall Street Journal confirmed today that the President is planning to issue a massive unilateral executive amnesty after the election.
In its report, the WSJ certifies that this executive amnesty would provide work permits for illegal immigrants—taking jobs directly from struggling Americans.
Based on the USCIS contract bid and statements from USCIS employees, we know this executive immigration order is likely to be broader in scope than anyone has imagined.
Earlier this week, President Obama’s former head of Homeland Security revealed that she overrode resistance from administration lawyers and law enforcement agents in implementing the President’s earlier unlawful amnesty and work authorization program for illegal immigrants 30 and under. This was an open admission by one of the most senior people in government of violating one’s oath of office in order to accomplish a nakedly political aim.
The President is assuming for himself the sole and absolute power to decide who can enter, work, live, and claim benefits in the United States. He has exempted virtually every group in the world from America’s immigration laws: people who enter before a certain age, people related to people who enter before a certain age, adults traveling with minors, minors traveling with adults, illegal immigrants who are not convicted of serious crimes, illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes but not enough serious crimes, almost anyone who shows up the border and demands asylum, the millions who overstay their visas, and, as was recently exposed, illegal immigrants with serious criminal histories. On and on it goes.
A nation creates borders and laws to protect its own citizens. What about their needs?
The President is systemically stripping away the immigration protections to which every single American worker and their family is entitled. He doesn’t care how this impacts Americans’ jobs, wages, schools, tax bills, hospitals, police departments, or communities.
But it gets worse still. The WSJ reports that the President is “expected to benefit businesses that use large numbers of legal immigrants, such as technology companies.” Those changes include measures to massively expand the number of foreign workers for IT companies—measures aggressively lobbied for by IT giants like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. Yet we have more than 11 million Americans with STEM degrees who don’t have jobs in these fields. Rutgers professor Hal Salzman documented that two-thirds of all new IT jobs are being filled by foreign workers. From 2000 through today, a period of record legal immigration, all net gains in employment among the working-age have gone entirely to immigrant workers.
And now, in order to help open borders billionaires, President Obama is going to deny millions of Americans their shot at entering the middle class and a better life.
The world has turned upside down. Instead of serving the interests of the American people, the policies of President Obama and every Senate Democrat serve the needs of special interests and global CEOs who fail to understand the duty a nation owes to its own people. But the citizens of this country still hold the power, and through their voice, they can turn the country right-side again.
And they will do so, I predict, in every competitive race where the Republican candidate has made immigration and defense of American workers centerpieces of his or her campaign.

Accomplishing nothing but negatives, Dems still resort to phony war on women nonsense

Carly Fiorina: Female Voters Fed Up With Phony 'War on Women'

Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 06:32 PM
By Bill Hoffmann
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  • The nation is fed up with the phony "war on women" that Democrats are endlessly accusing Republicans of waging, says Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

"We have a lot of data which suggests that people are tiring of the slogans and the gestures. Women, as well as men," Fiorina saud Wednesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"There is more and more evidence that women are swinging over to the Republican side and partially it's because one of the top issues for women is jobs and the economy, national security, healthcare and education.

"Women and men are realizing that these gestures and these slogans are not serious and that we're living in serious times. People are undergoing serious issues and we need serious leadership."

Fiorina said women make up 50 percent of the nation's population and represent 53 percent of voters, making them capable of swaying elections.

women are the majority of voters . . . They care about every issue because they're worried about their own jobs, their husband's job and their children's future. They look at the headlines on Ebola and ISIS and they're worried about our nation's security," she said.

"On top of everything else, this war on women propaganda the Democrats have been throwing out there for the last couple of election cycles is insulting to women. Every issue is a women's issue."

Much of the rabble-rousing against Republicans is created by "professional activists" who seek to hijack political discourse, according to Fiorina.

"It's fine for people to disagree, these are complex issues. What's not fine is that complex issues get boiled down to simple slogans that are wrong," she said.

"We have people, for example, who push back against any reasonable discussion of what our policy should be around energy and climate change by lumping people into one of two categories: you're either a global warming denier or you're on the right side of truth and the American way.

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Only 16% Israelis trust Obama but amazingly some American Jews still do

 Only 16% Israelis trust Obama but amazingly some American Jews still do
Does anyone really think  Obama was NOT behind Bibi being called chickens..t and a coward by "senior administration official? they admit they have no interest in finding out who said it

Just read this ridiculous email from a guy named Steve Sheffey, an Obama lackey evidently, arguing Obama is really good for Israel and that all the other presidents have been bad too. Pathetic. New Poll today: Only 16% of Israeli public believe US president's administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian. Guess those still hanging on to Obama as pro Israel are smarter than 84% of Israelis. Most still won't admit Obama is a pro jihadist, except the world's greatest terrorism expert, steve emerson. But the truth finds its way to the light.
Obama is pro Jihad: 32 examples
Obama actively aids massive spread of Islamic jihad under his watch-see details below
NEWEST: Obama covering up domestic jihad murder again.
Flourishing of Jihad 2009 until now under Obama, much with his direct aid. You decide whether its purposeful on his part, or incompetence, or horrible consequences of wrongheaded world view.
1..Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi, and now Libya in hands of various jihad groups. Egypt is very worried about them.
2.Iraq: pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
3.Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached and now Isis controls half
4.Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas. Secret talks with them.
5. Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward tried to overthrow Mubarak and support Moslem Brotherhood, gave them 1.5 billion and sophisticated weapons
6. Turkey Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
7. He backed Morsi in Egypt, head of Moslem Brotherhood who said Jews are descended from pigs, gave them 1.5 billion and f16s. Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood, who took power in Egypt following the Arab Spring, were recently ousted by the Egyptian military and declared a terrorist organization. Even still, they have been embraced by President Obama, invited into his administration, placed on a “hands off” list protecting them, and are even setting up their own official political party here in the United States.Unfortunately, the Muslim Brotherhood ultimately seeks to implement Sharia law, and to convert or kill every Christian and Jew that doesn’t share their faith. Top of Form

Bottom of Form

It should be remembered that while the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge in Egypt, Obama showered them with praise and provided billions of dollars in aid, arms, tanks and planes. Egypt hasn’t forgotten the support offered to the Muslim Brotherhood by Obama, and has now charged Obama and Hillary Clinton for conspiring and collaborating with them and their terrorist activities

9. Opens southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into US easily…/southern-border-our-welcome…
11. Lost whereabouts of 6000 “students” of foreign nationality who never showed up for class
12. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
14. Does this bother anyone else? Obama had a meeting with an "interesting" cleric -- on the anniversary of 9-11 no less.…/connect-dots-obama-met-cleric-supp…/
15. His administration hired senior terrorists to work for US government. One example…/sleeping-w-the-enemy-obam…/
16. Had Bagdadai, Isis leader in custody in 2009 but released him
17. Severely limits FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA…/NSA-SNOOPING-OFF-LIMITS-082…
18. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US…/us-state-dept-denying-israelis…
19. He and Hillary lied and lied about 9-11 Al-Qaida attack in benghazzi being caused by Youtube video, to continue their lying narrative that al-Qaida was vanquished to try and assist his 2012 election,
20. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.
21. Obama demands scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points
22. Fight vs Isis: Steve Emerson: “our allies that the administration praises – Turkey and Qatar – are sabotaging our campaign against ISIS while the President has basically angered good allies lie Egypt, which really could be participating in a very meaningful way because it is significantly and ideologically against the Muslim Brotherhood which [ISIS] has in its origins.."
23. Refuses to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror…/report-barack-obamas-outraged-…

26. Massively increasing Islamic immigration to USA…/us-canada-will-have-largest-in…/

27.…/… US considers new, softened nuclear offer to IranIsrael fumes at compromise which would allow Tehran to keep half of its centrifuges in exchange for various checks and balances


29.…/fort-hood-shooter-sends-lette…/%20… and Obama calls it workplace violence, not jihad

30. How many have gotten across…/are-isis-terrorists-sneaking-u…



I assume you don't think you are as expert on terrorism as Emerson.

Terrorism expert summarizes this: “Steve Emerson Terrorism expert

“we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups who pretend to be moderate or civil rights groups that have basically curtailed the ability of the FBI, ICE agents, to monitor, do investigations, or even prosecutors. Prosecutors now have to petition the Department of Justice to use the word "jihad" in indictments. This shows you the extent to which this administration has neutered the whole campaign to stop jihadism and basically interfere, Monica, with the ability of FBI agents to do their job...,the FBI, city and state law enforcement and now the border patrol with essentially an open border with god knows what kind of terrorists and Islamists are coming over the southern border, how they have really been hamstrung by regulations and political correctness restricting their ability to monitor the Islamic communities and the border...this administration has essentially embraced and legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the godfather and parent of all Sunni terrorist groups, including Hamas, including Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda. And for the administration to make a distinction between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is simply murderous. And that's what they've done. “

1.Obama by far, most anti Israel US president ever and only pro jihadist…

1. demonstrated in the recent Gaza conflict

A. His FAA blocked flights to Israel

B. Denying visas to Israelis

C .Holds up armaments so Israel can defend itself

D. Tried to cut Iron dome funding but Congress overruled. 8. Iron Dome vs Terrorist funding Follow the money: each round of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.…/house-restores-funding-for-israeli…/ His response? $47 more for Hamas to rebuild, $500 million for Syrian rebels (which will go straight to Isis, $11 billion arms deal with Qatar

E. Tried to get Hamas biggest boosters Qatar to get agreement allowing Hamas total freedom to rebuild misslies

2.. His administration continually leaked classified documents that endanger our soldiers and especially our ally Israel
3. Openly stated he wants to bring daylight between Israel and
4. He has stalled and delayed and appeased Iran as they march forward to develop nuclear weapons and daily say they want to wipe out Israel
5. He has tried to bully, threaten, intimidated and repeatedly turned his back on Israel ( 49 borders, no building in Jerusalem) and had the word Jerusalem removed from the DNC platform as well as Hamas as terror, and Palestinians no right of return,. He realized that Jerusalem's omission was an error and lied and said he did not know, and when he instructed them to put it back, they did, but over a majority loud chorus of boos from the delegates. DNC convention has featured a large Muslim extremist sub convention.
6. Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas
Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward
7. Long record before he entered high electoral politics in 2004, especially his associations with radical anti-Zionists
8. Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler It is no surprise, with this violent, hateful rhetoric, that there are violent protests against Israel in Turkey. It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
9. Uses IRS to harass pro Israel groups
10. Surrounds Israel with Jihadists: Lebanon. While we took the pedal off Iran sanctions and did nothing to slow Syria, Iran pours hundred thousand long range rockets in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon. Appeases Iran and will make concessions very dangerous to Israel, pathetic, late bombing campaigning vs Isis, (uses term Isis to denigrate Israel, including in L levant), tried to get Muslim Brotherhood to control Egypt, refused to help iran rebels when had the chance, pulls out of Iraq allowing for isis growth etc.

11. Denigrates Israel constantly








12. Democratic party moves towards jihadist corner





Not surprised there are those still pathetically defending Obama's Israel record. There have always been those whose religion is liberalism no truth can sway them. Just read this ridiculous email from a guy named Steve Sheffey, an Obama lackey evidently, arguing Obama is really good for Israel and that all the other presidents have been bad too. Pathetic. New Poll today: Only 16% of Israeli public believe US president's administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian. Guess those still hanging on to Obama as pro Israel are smarter than 84% of Israelis. Most still won't admit Obama is a pro jihadist, except the world's greatest terrorism expert, steve emerson. But the truth finds its way to the light.
Obama is pro Jihad: 32 examples
Obama actively aids massive spread of Islamic jihad under his watch-see details below
NEWEST: Obama covering up domestic jihad murder again.
Flourishing of Jihad 2009 until now under Obama, much with his direct aid. You decide whether its purposeful on his part, or incompetence, or horrible consequences of wrongheaded world view.
1..Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi, and now Libya in hands of various jihad groups. Egypt is very worried about them.
2.Iraq: pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
3.Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached and now Isis controls half
4.Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas. Secret talks with them.
5. Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward tried to overthrow Mubarak and support Moslem Brotherhood, gave them 1.5 billion and sophisticated weapons
6. Turkey Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
7. He backed Morsi in Egypt, head of Moslem Brotherhood who said Jews are descended from pigs, gave them 1.5 billion and f16s. Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood, who took power in Egypt following the Arab Spring, were recently ousted by the Egyptian military and declared a terrorist organization. Even still, they have been embraced by President Obama, invited into his administration, placed on a “hands off” list protecting them, and are even setting up their own official political party here in the United States.Unfortunately, the Muslim Brotherhood ultimately seeks to implement Sharia law, and to convert or kill every Christian and Jew that doesn’t share their faith. Top of Form

Bottom of Form

It should be remembered that while the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge in Egypt, Obama showered them with praise and provided billions of dollars in aid, arms, tanks and planes. Egypt hasn’t forgotten the support offered to the Muslim Brotherhood by Obama, and has now charged Obama and Hillary Clinton for conspiring and collaborating with them and their terrorist activities

9. Opens southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into US easily…/southern-border-our-welcome…
11. Lost whereabouts of 6000 “students” of foreign nationality who never showed up for class
12. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
14. Does this bother anyone else? Obama had a meeting with an "interesting" cleric -- on the anniversary of 9-11 no less.…/connect-dots-obama-met-cleric-supp…/
15. His administration hired senior terrorists to work for US government. One example…/sleeping-w-the-enemy-obam…/
16. Had Bagdadai, Isis leader in custody in 2009 but released him
17. Severely limits FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA…/NSA-SNOOPING-OFF-LIMITS-082…
18. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US…/us-state-dept-denying-israelis…
19. He and Hillary lied and lied about 9-11 Al-Qaida attack in benghazzi being caused by Youtube video, to continue their lying narrative that al-Qaida was vanquished to try and assist his 2012 election,
20. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.
21. Obama demands scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points
22. Fight vs Isis: Steve Emerson: “our allies that the administration praises – Turkey and Qatar – are sabotaging our campaign against ISIS while the President has basically angered good allies lie Egypt, which really could be participating in a very meaningful way because it is significantly and ideologically against the Muslim Brotherhood which [ISIS] has in its origins.."
23. Refuses to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror…/report-barack-obamas-outraged-…

26. Massively increasing Islamic immigration to USA…/us-canada-will-have-largest-in…/

27.…/… US considers new, softened nuclear offer to IranIsrael fumes at compromise which would allow Tehran to keep half of its centrifuges in exchange for various checks and balances


29.…/fort-hood-shooter-sends-lette…/%20… and Obama calls it workplace violence, not jihad

30. How many have gotten across…/are-isis-terrorists-sneaking-u…



I assume you don't think you are as expert on terrorism as Emerson.

Terrorism expert summarizes this: “Steve Emerson Terrorism expert

“we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups who pretend to be moderate or civil rights groups that have basically curtailed the ability of the FBI, ICE agents, to monitor, do investigations, or even prosecutors. Prosecutors now have to petition the Department of Justice to use the word "jihad" in indictments. This shows you the extent to which this administration has neutered the whole campaign to stop jihadism and basically interfere, Monica, with the ability of FBI agents to do their job...,the FBI, city and state law enforcement and now the border patrol with essentially an open border with god knows what kind of terrorists and Islamists are coming over the southern border, how they have really been hamstrung by regulations and political correctness restricting their ability to monitor the Islamic communities and the border...this administration has essentially embraced and legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the godfather and parent of all Sunni terrorist groups, including Hamas, including Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda. And for the administration to make a distinction between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is simply murderous. And that's what they've done. “

1.Obama by far, most anti Israel US president ever and only pro jihadist…

1. demonstrated in the recent Gaza conflict

A. His FAA blocked flights to Israel

B. Denying visas to Israelis

C .Holds up armaments so Israel can defend itself

D. Tried to cut Iron dome funding but Congress overruled. 8. Iron Dome vs Terrorist funding Follow the money: each round of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.…/house-restores-funding-for-israeli…/ His response? $47 more for Hamas to rebuild, $500 million for Syrian rebels (which will go straight to Isis, $11 billion arms deal with Qatar

E. Tried to get Hamas biggest boosters Qatar to get agreement allowing Hamas total freedom to rebuild misslies

2.. His administration continually leaked classified documents that endanger our soldiers and especially our ally Israel
3. Openly stated he wants to bring daylight between Israel and
4. He has stalled and delayed and appeased Iran as they march forward to develop nuclear weapons and daily say they want to wipe out Israel
5. He has tried to bully, threaten, intimidated and repeatedly turned his back on Israel ( 49 borders, no building in Jerusalem) and had the word Jerusalem removed from the DNC platform as well as Hamas as terror, and Palestinians no right of return,. He realized that Jerusalem's omission was an error and lied and said he did not know, and when he instructed them to put it back, they did, but over a majority loud chorus of boos from the delegates. DNC convention has featured a large Muslim extremist sub convention.
6. Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas
Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward
7. Long record before he entered high electoral politics in 2004, especially his associations with radical anti-Zionists
8. Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler It is no surprise, with this violent, hateful rhetoric, that there are violent protests against Israel in Turkey. It is also no  Only 16% Israelis trust Obama but amazingly some American Jews still do

Does anyone really think  Obama was NOT behind Bibi being called chickens..t and a coward by "senior administration official? they admit they have no interest in finding out who said it

Just read this ridiculous email from a guy named Steve Sheffey, an Obama lackey evidently, arguing Obama is really good for Israel and that all the other presidents have been bad too. Pathetic. New Poll today: Only 16% of Israeli public believe US president's administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian. Guess those still hanging on to Obama as pro Israel are smarter than 84% of Israelis. Most still won't admit Obama is a pro jihadist, except the world's greatest terrorism expert, steve emerson. But the truth finds its way to the light.
Obama is pro Jihad: 32 examples
Obama actively aids massive spread of Islamic jihad under his watch-see details below
NEWEST: Obama covering up domestic jihad murder again.
Flourishing of Jihad 2009 until now under Obama, much with his direct aid. You decide whether its purposeful on his part, or incompetence, or horrible consequences of wrongheaded world view.
1..Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi, and now Libya in hands of various jihad groups. Egypt is very worried about them.
2.Iraq: pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
3.Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached and now Isis controls half
4.Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas. Secret talks with them.
5. Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward tried to overthrow Mubarak and support Moslem Brotherhood, gave them 1.5 billion and sophisticated weapons
6. Turkey Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
7. He backed Morsi in Egypt, head of Moslem Brotherhood who said Jews are descended from pigs, gave them 1.5 billion and f16s. Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood, who took power in Egypt following the Arab Spring, were recently ousted by the Egyptian military and declared a terrorist organization. Even still, they have been embraced by President Obama, invited into his administration, placed on a “hands off” list protecting them, and are even setting up their own official political party here in the United States.Unfortunately, the Muslim Brotherhood ultimately seeks to implement Sharia law, and to convert or kill every Christian and Jew that doesn’t share their faith. Top of Form

Bottom of Form

It should be remembered that while the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge in Egypt, Obama showered them with praise and provided billions of dollars in aid, arms, tanks and planes. Egypt hasn’t forgotten the support offered to the Muslim Brotherhood by Obama, and has now charged Obama and Hillary Clinton for conspiring and collaborating with them and their terrorist activities

9. Opens southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into US easily…/southern-border-our-welcome…
11. Lost whereabouts of 6000 “students” of foreign nationality who never showed up for class
12. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
14. Does this bother anyone else? Obama had a meeting with an "interesting" cleric -- on the anniversary of 9-11 no less.…/connect-dots-obama-met-cleric-supp…/
15. His administration hired senior terrorists to work for US government. One example…/sleeping-w-the-enemy-obam…/
16. Had Bagdadai, Isis leader in custody in 2009 but released him
17. Severely limits FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA…/NSA-SNOOPING-OFF-LIMITS-082…
18. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US…/us-state-dept-denying-israelis…
19. He and Hillary lied and lied about 9-11 Al-Qaida attack in benghazzi being caused by Youtube video, to continue their lying narrative that al-Qaida was vanquished to try and assist his 2012 election,
20. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.
21. Obama demands scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points
22. Fight vs Isis: Steve Emerson: “our allies that the administration praises – Turkey and Qatar – are sabotaging our campaign against ISIS while the President has basically angered good allies lie Egypt, which really could be participating in a very meaningful way because it is significantly and ideologically against the Muslim Brotherhood which [ISIS] has in its origins.."
23. Refuses to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror…/report-barack-obamas-outraged-…

26. Massively increasing Islamic immigration to USA…/us-canada-will-have-largest-in…/

27.…/… US considers new, softened nuclear offer to IranIsrael fumes at compromise which would allow Tehran to keep half of its centrifuges in exchange for various checks and balances


29.…/fort-hood-shooter-sends-lette…/%20… and Obama calls it workplace violence, not jihad

30. How many have gotten across…/are-isis-terrorists-sneaking-u…



I assume you don't think you are as expert on terrorism as Emerson.

Terrorism expert summarizes this: “Steve Emerson Terrorism expert

“we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups who pretend to be moderate or civil rights groups that have basically curtailed the ability of the FBI, ICE agents, to monitor, do investigations, or even prosecutors. Prosecutors now have to petition the Department of Justice to use the word "jihad" in indictments. This shows you the extent to which this administration has neutered the whole campaign to stop jihadism and basically interfere, Monica, with the ability of FBI agents to do their job...,the FBI, city and state law enforcement and now the border patrol with essentially an open border with god knows what kind of terrorists and Islamists are coming over the southern border, how they have really been hamstrung by regulations and political correctness restricting their ability to monitor the Islamic communities and the border...this administration has essentially embraced and legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the godfather and parent of all Sunni terrorist groups, including Hamas, including Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda. And for the administration to make a distinction between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is simply murderous. And that's what they've done. “

1.Obama by far, most anti Israel US president ever and only pro jihadist…

1. demonstrated in the recent Gaza conflict

A. His FAA blocked flights to Israel

B. Denying visas to Israelis

C .Holds up armaments so Israel can defend itself

D. Tried to cut Iron dome funding but Congress overruled. 8. Iron Dome vs Terrorist funding Follow the money: each round of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.…/house-restores-funding-for-israeli…/ His response? $47 more for Hamas to rebuild, $500 million for Syrian rebels (which will go straight to Isis, $11 billion arms deal with Qatar

E. Tried to get Hamas biggest boosters Qatar to get agreement allowing Hamas total freedom to rebuild misslies

2.. His administration continually leaked classified documents that endanger our soldiers and especially our ally Israel
3. Openly stated he wants to bring daylight between Israel and
4. He has stalled and delayed and appeased Iran as they march forward to develop nuclear weapons and daily say they want to wipe out Israel
5. He has tried to bully, threaten, intimidated and repeatedly turned his back on Israel ( 49 borders, no building in Jerusalem) and had the word Jerusalem removed from the DNC platform as well as Hamas as terror, and Palestinians no right of return,. He realized that Jerusalem's omission was an error and lied and said he did not know, and when he instructed them to put it back, they did, but over a majority loud chorus of boos from the delegates. DNC convention has featured a large Muslim extremist sub convention.
6. Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas
Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward
7. Long record before he entered high electoral politics in 2004, especially his associations with radical anti-Zionists
8. Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler It is no surprise, with this violent, hateful rhetoric, that there are violent protests against Israel in Turkey. It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
9. Uses IRS to harass pro Israel groups
10. Surrounds Israel with Jihadists: Lebanon. While we took the pedal off Iran sanctions and did nothing to slow Syria, Iran pours hundred thousand long range rockets in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon. Appeases Iran and will make concessions very dangerous to Israel, pathetic, late bombing campaigning vs Isis, (uses term Isis to denigrate Israel, including in L levant), tried to get Muslim Brotherhood to control Egypt, refused to help iran rebels when had the chance, pulls out of Iraq allowing for isis growth etc.

11. Denigrates Israel constantly








12. Democratic party moves towards jihadist corner





Not surprised there are those still pathetically defending Obama's Israel record. There have always been those whose religion is liberalism no truth can sway them. Just read this ridiculous email from a guy named Steve Sheffey, an Obama lackey evidently, arguing Obama is really good for Israel and that all the other presidents have been bad too. Pathetic. New Poll today: Only 16% of Israeli public believe US president's administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian. Guess those still hanging on to Obama as pro Israel are smarter than 84% of Israelis. Most still won't admit Obama is a pro jihadist, except the world's greatest terrorism expert, steve emerson. But the truth finds its way to the light.
Obama is pro Jihad: 32 examples
Obama actively aids massive spread of Islamic jihad under his watch-see details below
NEWEST: Obama covering up domestic jihad murder again.
Flourishing of Jihad 2009 until now under Obama, much with his direct aid. You decide whether its purposeful on his part, or incompetence, or horrible consequences of wrongheaded world view.
1..Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi, and now Libya in hands of various jihad groups. Egypt is very worried about them.
2.Iraq: pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
3.Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached and now Isis controls half
4.Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas. Secret talks with them.
5. Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward tried to overthrow Mubarak and support Moslem Brotherhood, gave them 1.5 billion and sophisticated weapons
6. Turkey Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
7. He backed Morsi in Egypt, head of Moslem Brotherhood who said Jews are descended from pigs, gave them 1.5 billion and f16s. Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood, who took power in Egypt following the Arab Spring, were recently ousted by the Egyptian military and declared a terrorist organization. Even still, they have been embraced by President Obama, invited into his administration, placed on a “hands off” list protecting them, and are even setting up their own official political party here in the United States.Unfortunately, the Muslim Brotherhood ultimately seeks to implement Sharia law, and to convert or kill every Christian and Jew that doesn’t share their faith. Top of Form

Bottom of Form

It should be remembered that while the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge in Egypt, Obama showered them with praise and provided billions of dollars in aid, arms, tanks and planes. Egypt hasn’t forgotten the support offered to the Muslim Brotherhood by Obama, and has now charged Obama and Hillary Clinton for conspiring and collaborating with them and their terrorist activities

9. Opens southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into US easily…/southern-border-our-welcome…
11. Lost whereabouts of 6000 “students” of foreign nationality who never showed up for class
12. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
14. Does this bother anyone else? Obama had a meeting with an "interesting" cleric -- on the anniversary of 9-11 no less.…/connect-dots-obama-met-cleric-supp…/
15. His administration hired senior terrorists to work for US government. One example…/sleeping-w-the-enemy-obam…/
16. Had Bagdadai, Isis leader in custody in 2009 but released him
17. Severely limits FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA…/NSA-SNOOPING-OFF-LIMITS-082…
18. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US…/us-state-dept-denying-israelis…
19. He and Hillary lied and lied about 9-11 Al-Qaida attack in benghazzi being caused by Youtube video, to continue their lying narrative that al-Qaida was vanquished to try and assist his 2012 election,
20. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.
21. Obama demands scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points
22. Fight vs Isis: Steve Emerson: “our allies that the administration praises – Turkey and Qatar – are sabotaging our campaign against ISIS while the President has basically angered good allies lie Egypt, which really could be participating in a very meaningful way because it is significantly and ideologically against the Muslim Brotherhood which [ISIS] has in its origins.."
23. Refuses to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror…/report-barack-obamas-outraged-…

26. Massively increasing Islamic immigration to USA…/us-canada-will-have-largest-in…/

27.…/… US considers new, softened nuclear offer to IranIsrael fumes at compromise which would allow Tehran to keep half of its centrifuges in exchange for various checks and balances


29.…/fort-hood-shooter-sends-lette…/%20… and Obama calls it workplace violence, not jihad

30. How many have gotten across…/are-isis-terrorists-sneaking-u…



I assume you don't think you are as expert on terrorism as Emerson.

Terrorism expert summarizes this: “Steve Emerson Terrorism expert

“we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups who pretend to be moderate or civil rights groups that have basically curtailed the ability of the FBI, ICE agents, to monitor, do investigations, or even prosecutors. Prosecutors now have to petition the Department of Justice to use the word "jihad" in indictments. This shows you the extent to which this administration has neutered the whole campaign to stop jihadism and basically interfere, Monica, with the ability of FBI agents to do their job...,the FBI, city and state law enforcement and now the border patrol with essentially an open border with god knows what kind of terrorists and Islamists are coming over the southern border, how they have really been hamstrung by regulations and political correctness restricting their ability to monitor the Islamic communities and the border...this administration has essentially embraced and legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the godfather and parent of all Sunni terrorist groups, including Hamas, including Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda. And for the administration to make a distinction between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is simply murderous. And that's what they've done. “

1.Obama by far, most anti Israel US president ever and only pro jihadist…

1. demonstrated in the recent Gaza conflict

A. His FAA blocked flights to Israel

B. Denying visas to Israelis

C .Holds up armaments so Israel can defend itself

D. Tried to cut Iron dome funding but Congress overruled. 8. Iron Dome vs Terrorist funding Follow the money: each round of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.…/house-restores-funding-for-israeli…/ His response? $47 more for Hamas to rebuild, $500 million for Syrian rebels (which will go straight to Isis, $11 billion arms deal with Qatar

E. Tried to get Hamas biggest boosters Qatar to get agreement allowing Hamas total freedom to rebuild misslies

2.. His administration continually leaked classified documents that endanger our soldiers and especially our ally Israel
3. Openly stated he wants to bring daylight between Israel and
4. He has stalled and delayed and appeased Iran as they march forward to develop nuclear weapons and daily say they want to wipe out Israel
5. He has tried to bully, threaten, intimidated and repeatedly turned his back on Israel ( 49 borders, no building in Jerusalem) and had the word Jerusalem removed from the DNC platform as well as Hamas as terror, and Palestinians no right of return,. He realized that Jerusalem's omission was an error and lied and said he did not know, and when he instructed them to put it back, they did, but over a majority loud chorus of boos from the delegates. DNC convention has featured a large Muslim extremist sub convention.
6. Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas
Iran: weakened sanctions consistently and now extends talks while they move forward
7. Long record before he entered high electoral politics in 2004, especially his associations with radical anti-Zionists
8. Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler It is no surprise, with this violent, hateful rhetoric, that there are violent protests against Israel in Turkey. It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
9. Uses IRS to harass pro Israel groups
10. Surrounds Israel with Jihadists: Lebanon. While we took the pedal off Iran sanctions and did nothing to slow Syria, Iran pours hundred thousand long range rockets in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon. Appeases Iran and will make concessions very dangerous to Israel, pathetic, late bombing campaigning vs Isis, (uses term Isis to denigrate Israel, including in L levant), tried to get Muslim Brotherhood to control Egypt, refused to help iran rebels when had the chance, pulls out of Iraq allowing for isis growth etc.

11. Denigrates Israel constantly








12. Democratic party moves towards jihadist corner





Not surprised there are those still pathetically defending Obama's Israel record. There have always been those whose religion is liberalism no truth can sway them.surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2014
9. Uses IRS to harass pro Israel groups
10. Surrounds Israel with Jihadists: Lebanon. While we took the pedal off Iran sanctions and did nothing to slow Syria, Iran pours hundred thousand long range rockets in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon. Appeases Iran and will make concessions very dangerous to Israel, pathetic, late bombing campaigning vs Isis, (uses term Isis to denigrate Israel, including in L levant), tried to get Muslim Brotherhood to control Egypt, refused to help iran rebels when had the chance, pulls out of Iraq allowing for isis growth etc.

11. Denigrates Israel constantly








12. Democratic party moves towards jihadist corner





Not surprised there are those still pathetically defending Obama's Israel record. There have always been those whose religion is liberalism no truth can sway them.